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I Want to Build a House—Where Do I Start?

I Want to Build a House—Where Do I Start?

“I want to build a house. But where do I start?” It’s a question we hear all the time, and it makes sense. Whether it’s your first home or your next new home, there’s plenty to consider before you build, from your budget to choosing a location, purchasing land, and more. Don’t worry. We’ve selected some of our best resources to help guide you through the process, step by step!

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Are You Ready to Build a New Home?

Are You Ready to Build a New Home?

There are many benefits to building a new home. With a new home, you can customize the floor plan and design details to meet your specific needs and choose energy efficient materials. Not to mention, you won’t have to worry about major home repairs for years to come.

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What Rooms Should You Splurge on in the Building Process?

What Rooms Should You Splurge on in the Building Process?

So you’re finally ready to build your dream home. You’ve spent days and days looking at existing homes, possibly growing frustrated that every floor plan lacks that little something you’re looking for in the kitchen, or the bedroom is just a smidge too small.

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Should First-Time Homebuyers Build a House?

Should First-Time Homebuyers Build a House?


Purchasing your first home is an exciting time, but it also comes with plenty of decisions to make.

Before you get stuck on paint colors, landscaping, and new furniture, you might be wondering whether you can afford to build a house rather than buying a pre-existing home. Building a home may be more affordable than you think, but understanding the differences between buying and building and asking yourself the right questions will help you make your decision.

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Building a Home: The Features You Don’t Want to Overlook

Building a Home: The Features You Don’t Want to Overlook


Making the decision to build a house is exciting, but it also comes with its fair share of worries. There are so many things to think about and so many decisions to make. That’s why we’ve decided to help get you started with some important reminders!

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Floor Plans: What’s the Right Choice for You?

Floor Plans: What’s the Right Choice for You?


So you’ve made the decision to move forward with your plans to buy a custom home. Now you’re faced with the question, “What floor plan do I choose?” This is one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make, so here are some important factors to consider so you can make the best choice for your home.

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What is a Sealed Crawl Space?

What is a Sealed Crawl Space?

When it comes to your home, it’s easy to focus on the kitchen, master bedroom, and bathrooms. But, have you ever thought about what’s lying beneath the surface? We know the answer – a sealed crawl space.

While it might not be the most exciting part of your home, there are plenty of benefits that sealed crawl spaces provide. Today, we wanted to highlight what exactly is a sealed crawl space, and how it’s a fundamental part of protecting your health and safety within a custom modular home.

One of the advantages of working with Carolina Custom Homes of Burlington is that we build all of our custom modular homes with a sealed crawl space to provide better home protection and air quality. Unlike vented crawl spaces, a sealed crawl space offers a number of health benefits to your house and your family. Without further ado, let’s dive into what is a sealed crawl space and how can it benefit your home.


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Can I Afford to Build a House? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Can I Afford to Build a House? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself


Whether you’re a first-time home buyer who wants to get the most out of your purchase, or a homeowner looking for the perfect new home for your family, building a house is a great option. Many people assume that building a house is more expensive than buying, but that isn’t actually the case. The cost of building a house is comparable to buying, but you’ll get much more for your money.

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Home Upgrades that are Worth the Money

Home Upgrades that are Worth the Money


When you’re building a house, the cost of upgrades add up quickly. It can be difficult to prioritize–should you opt for hardwood floors, or would it be better to add on a third bedroom? Some home upgrades are better to add before your home is built, while others can wait until your budget allows.

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Should I Buy or Build My Next House?

Should I Buy or Build My Next House?

Whether you’re ready to purchase your first house or you’ve outgrown your current home, eventually there comes a time to move on. However, the hardest decision isn’t whether or not you should move – it’s whether or not you should buy a pre-built house, or build and customize a home on your own land?

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