Five Facts You Must Know Before Building a Modular Home
You and your family have decided to finally purchase a home. You’ve looked at all your options and have decided to explore the possibility of a modular home. Before you start digging into all the many, many options that are available to you when building your dream home, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you pull the trigger.
Location is key
One major advantage to buying a modular home is the location you can build is flexible. It’s more than just purchasing an empty lot of land, however. Land can vary wildly. Between the type of soil, to the proximity to the nearest flood zone, there is a lot to consider when deciding where to place your new modular home. Be sure to work closely with your realtor when choosing a location.
Financing options are just as flexible as traditionally built homes
Don’t listen to false rumors that modular homes aren’t ‘real homes,’ and that it’s harder to find financing. Modular homes are treated the same by lenders and are subject to the same appraisals as stick-built homes. This is great news for exploring financing options as it gives you more freedom to find the right loan program for you.
They are energy efficient
Energy efficiency is a hot topic these days – and for good reason. The cost of heating and cooling your home can be quite high if a builder does a poor job of insulating or uses inefficient materials. The great news with building modular homes is, by building them in climate controlled environments, we are able to save money on construction costs and afford top-tier insulation, ensuring your home is built for maximum energy efficiency.
Incredibly durable
Remember how we mentioned your home was built in sections? In order to transport those sections from the workshop where they’re built, they are crafted in an incredibly durable manner. Modular homes are incredibly durable and are built to stand up to abuse from Mother Nature, protecting you year ‘round.
It matters how it’s built
As we previously mentioned, it’s crafted in a climate controlled environment with the highest quality building materials purchase in bulk (which saves you money). Modular homes are built in sections and then transported to your build site. The advantage over traditionally built homes? No vandalization and no weather delays, no material shortages, and far fewer accidents. As an added bonus, the build time on modular homes is significantly less than it is on traditional homes.